Thursday, February 14, 2008

An Elf Cartoon

Just doing some quick cartoon of an elf. Maybe will be keep on track for more longer, but i don't know just yet. Im just drawing whatever comes to my mind. Talking of drawing i need to start my portraits for my portfolio so i can get in to the College i want too and i need to start studying for a placement test. Man im so nervous i only have like 4 months or 3 or less to start college again but this time is about what i want Media Arts & Animations.

My 1st Doggy Tablet Sketch

Well here i am doing some sketches at my tablet, let me tell you it's not easy, at least wasn't for me. It is my 1st time in fact i did i good job, now that's what i think. But you can tell me by just leaving me a comment & critics i love that.

Valentine's Day Card's I made

This are 3 special women in my life, my mom, my sister & my BFF that she is more like a sister to me. Are dedicated for this gorgeous women in my life. I have to say i didn't expect nothing today from Valentine's day but i guess i was wrong. I recieved such a big Heart with alot of chocolates from my mom. I haven't see my sister or my Bff yet, so when i see them ill tell you.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A new Design of Cartoon

After getting all mad at myslef, i think it was worth it...

the way everything seems to work around me its one of

a hell storm. Not always ends up with goodnes but at least...

this time end up wow i can't even see it. Im to darn proud

of this cartoon. For the last past months i had been sick worried about everything that i love. Yeah all that it matters is cartoon's and the girl of my dreams that i don't think has it come yet.
But at least something is changing around here and it's that im begining to get really good, also i got Flash 8 today, ( thank God i don't have to use the trial any longer ) lol yeah now i have it. Everything so good so far, well right now all you can see its a boy, that has evil in his self. Well let's find out, cuz i can see alot of him that meet's the eye. ( where did i get that, theres alot that meet's the eye... ohhhhhhhh i think it was Monster House ) Oh man i love that movie. Well maybe soon ill be working with my 1st cartoons that will be willing to have something special with in.
Critics and comments are apreciated!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Cartoon Doodles

This are some cartoons i made last night i call it doodles, the inspiration i have no idea where it came from, cuz i have no idea. I just start drawing at Flash some cartoons and puff... !!!!!! lol well soon ill be giving to this cartoons some good purpose, but right now their just my cartoons.

Cartoon (doddle)

Just a quick Flash Cartoon (doddle) i made. Also checking my new style and some other stuff.
This is just a random Cartoon design...

My Cartoon Design

Today i had like a hard day at all, infact everyday i get to battle with something. But that doesn't mean i will be defeated that easy. Well now here i got my 1st cartoon design, this is as well the one on my Id, i havent edit it yet, but soon ill do it.