Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A new Design of Cartoon

After getting all mad at myslef, i think it was worth it...

the way everything seems to work around me its one of

a hell storm. Not always ends up with goodnes but at least...

this time end up wow i can't even see it. Im to darn proud

of this cartoon. For the last past months i had been sick worried about everything that i love. Yeah all that it matters is cartoon's and the girl of my dreams that i don't think has it come yet.
But at least something is changing around here and it's that im begining to get really good, also i got Flash 8 today, ( thank God i don't have to use the trial any longer ) lol yeah now i have it. Everything so good so far, well right now all you can see its a boy, that has evil in his self. Well let's find out, cuz i can see alot of him that meet's the eye. ( where did i get that, theres alot that meet's the eye... ohhhhhhhh i think it was Monster House ) Oh man i love that movie. Well maybe soon ill be working with my 1st cartoons that will be willing to have something special with in.
Critics and comments are apreciated!!!!!!!

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